Pharmtech Tutor


Pharmtech Tutor is the educational project within the framework of Pharmtech & Ingredients.

The project aims to give students of specialised pharmaceutical educational institutions the chance to gain practical experience by undergoing a ‘mini-internship’ during Pharmtech & Ingredients 2022 - working with the leading international companies exhibiting at the event.

Each intern will give a presentation on the results of working at the exhibition when they arrive back at their institution.

How to take part

  • Confirm your participation in the project
  • Complete a participation form (enclosed with this letter)
  • Include the student in the list of workers at your stand
  • Provide the student with information on your company and products, hold an introductory presentation for them, and oversee their work during the exhibition
  • Give the student the opportunity to work with visitors to your stand

Participants are not responsible for the travel, accommodation and subsistence of their students.


  • Enhance the social image of your company as a contributor to solving staff training challenges in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Additional exposure for your company on the exhibition website and in trade publications
  • An additional worker to represent your company at the exhibition
  • Stands of participants will be specially marked at the exhibition
  • Graduates — the industry’s future specialists — will find out about the products and services showcased by Pharmtech Tutor participants.

Pharmtech Tutor 2023

List of educational institutions taking part in Pharmtech Tutor 2023:

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy
Yaroslavl State Technical University
P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Kazan State Medical University

Apply for participation

Deadline for return of form — September 30, 2024.